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DRex Electronics
Electronic chips
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 DRex Electronics has been a trusted name in the electronic components industry since its inception in 2011. With strategic partnerships with renowned semiconductor chips manufacturers and agents, we have established ourselves as a global leader in the distribution of high-end semiconductor Integrated Circuits(ICs) chips, including FPGA, SoC, DSP, CPLDs, and Microprocessors. Our goal is to become the most professional, efficient, and leading semiconductor integrated circuit service provider globally, catering to customers worldwide with our high-quality products and competitive pricing.

At DRex Electronics, we strive to offer unparalleled customer satisfaction through our one-stop services, ensuring that our customers obtain the components they need in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Get in touch with us today to experience the DRex Electronics difference and partner with us for all your electronic components needs.

Company Profile
Company Name: DRex Electronics
Company Type: Enterprise (Wholesale)
Area: East Asia/China(Mainland)
Employee : 100-499 people
Registered Capital: Not filled
Year Established: 2011
Data certification:
Credit guarantee: Already paid $0.00 USD
Business model: Wholesale
Business scope: Electronic chips
Electrical & Electronics / Semiconductor Electrical & Electronics / Resistor & Potentiometer Electrical & Electronics / Electronic Instrument
Electrical & Electronics / Electronic Tube Electrical & Electronics / Car Electronics Electrical & Electronics / Capacitor
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